On June 17, 2024, our goods, Keep Forging Ahead Mug CM450-03A was about to be arranged for shipment, so the customer arranged his colleague Mr. Zhang to come to our company for inspection. He has been doing quality inspection industry for more than ten years, has witnessed countless stories behind the production line, traveled between factories all over the world, and contacted all kinds of suppliers.
With the deepening of the inspection process, Mr. Zhang's frown got tighter and tighter, however, it was not because of the product problem, but he was surprised to find that the situation was very different from the past. Every process, details was impeccable. The inspection tools in his hand were almost useless, which was the first time in his career.
"How did this happen?" He couldn't help but ask. Our production manager smiled and replied, "It's very simple, we treat the customer's business as our own, and see the customer's loss as our own. Regardless of whether the customer comes to inspect the goods in person or not, we strictly follow the highest standards, because we believe that there is a god three feet above our heads, and if we are responsible for other people, naturally someone else will be responsible for us as well."
Mr. Zhang was deeply impressed. He saw the difference not only the impeccable quality of our products, but also the sense of responsibility and altruistic philosophy that is deeply rooted in our corporate culture. Here, every employee treats the product as if it were his own, and considers the success of the customer as his own responsibility.
Our team is full of gratitude for the collaboration and support of every member, and we know that every quality inspection result is the result of everyone's concerted and joint efforts. It's not just an order delivered, it's an affirmation of our business philosophy and a triumph of our culture.
Transcontinental Partnership with a Coffee Brand
21 Jan 2025
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